Wednesday, November 15, 2006

WHAT ?!?

According to both Muslim and Christian eschatology, all life on earth as we know shall and is coming to an end.
This is also true to some extent with Judaism, however, not in the same FINAL way as with the other two major monotheistic religions.
Is it the Mahdi?
Is it the Antichrist?
Is it the False Prophet?
Is it Isa al-Maseeh?
What about the Dajjal?
Who knows, and honestly who in Western, civilised society cares?
There's so much else to take up all of our waking hours, to pre-occupy our time and our minds, that who dares even mention, even have a passing thought, a fleeting moment dedicated to THE END.
How sad is the state of modern man, for truly, 'the end comes as a thief in the night..', for we all sleep the deadly sleep of apathy and ignorance.


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